
Coming to college can be tough on anyone. Balancing a new school, social life, the increase of work, it can cause anyone to struggle with mental health. All of our team members at WellRounded went through this, and some still struggle. We want to create an app that combines everything that got us through out rut, to help others!

Mental health is more than just what’s in your head. Mental health combines all aspects of life- physical, mental, diet, etc.- and WellRounded strives to help users improve all of those in one easy location. The app allows you to track your diet, workouts, menstrual cycle and medications- all which affect your mental health- without the hassle of multiple apps. The app also allows you to set goals, connect with a mental health professional and receive tasks from that professional.

Mental health is a long journey that involves a lot, but you don’t have to work on it alone. WellRounded lets you take care of yourself with ease and get through the tough points of life without spending an arm and a leg to improve your mental health.