TEDxUGA @ TED Democracy

Curator Isabella Martinez, Assistant Curator Peyton Owens, and Presenter Advisors Abby Adams and Wesley Morgan represented UGA and TEDxUGA at the recent TEDxAtlanta Salon: Democracy in the Future We Create. Hosted at Refuge Coffee Co., the event offered rich networking opportunities, group discussions, and a fireside chat with civic leader Han Pham and co-creator of RATIFIED, Emily Best.

As part of the TED Democracy initiative – which aims to spark new conversations among leading thinkers about the challenges democracies are facing around the world – the event emphasized the importance of engaging in dialogue about democracy. In this discussion-driven experience, attendees explored ways to find common ground in their shared commitment to democracy by focusing on “realistic pathways toward a more vibrant and equitable future” (TED).

The TEDxAtlanta Salon was an educational and inspiring opportunity for the team. And, the Jeffersonian Dinner format of the event has motivated them to begin organizing similar initiatives at TEDxUGA and the New Media Institute.

Don’t forget: Your vote matters! Engage in democracy by casting your vote on November 5th.