Tag: Travel

  • Viva Las Vegas & Viva NMI!

    Viva Las Vegas & Viva NMI!

    This month, the NMI kicked off 2025 with a site visit to Las Vegas to attend the Consumer Electronic Showcase, the largest tech event in the world. CES is a hub of innovation, and our students and faculty spent the week immersed in the latest advancements shaping the future of technology and media. NMI faculty and…

  • What a Time at Warner Bros. Discovery!

    What a Time at Warner Bros. Discovery!

    The NMI recently adventured to Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD) in Atlanta for our first in-state site visit of the academic year. We began the day with a tour of WBD’s broadcast studios, most of which are used for their sports league partnerships. Our students even sat in the chairs that belong to Shaquille O’Neal, Ernie…

  • A Journey Into the Future at TEDNext

    A Journey Into the Future at TEDNext

    This month, Curator Isabella Martinez represented TEDxUGA at TEDNext 2024, a transformative five-day experience focused on professional and personal growth. The TED conference included collaborative workshops with worldwide TEDx organizers, interactive discovery sessions, and over 45 inspiring TED Talks.  One impactful moment for Isa was Adam Munder‘s TED Talk on inclusivity, where he demoed OmniBridge, a venture that uses AI to…

  • NMI Buds Take Beantown

    NMI Buds Take Beantown

    We are still buzzing from our recent site visit to Boston where NMI students had the opportunity to learn from professionals at DraftKings and iRacing. On day one, we toured DraftKings, a leader in fully-online sports broadcast content creation. Our day included a meeting with UGA alumnus Jonathan Bell, who shared how he works with data to predict customer…

  • It Was Love at First Site (Visit)

    It Was Love at First Site (Visit)

    Last semester, we took to the skies for our first ever out-of-state site visit. We were convinced that nothing could top our Wisconsin adventure, but this most recent site visit might take the cake. We’re thrilled to share highlights from the NMI’s trip to “The Most Magical Place on Earth”! Our fleet of mini-vans, carrying…

  • Be-leaf It Or Not

    Be-leaf It Or Not

    In the Spring 2021, the NMI officially dedicated Fridays to fostering student and industry collaboration. Through this initiative, the NMI is actively promoting the professional growth of students. From networking lunches to internship interviews to site visits, Professional Fridays offer a plethora of opportunities for students to learn and grow!  In addition to our Wisconsin adventure,…

  • He Came, He Saw, He Haunted

    He Came, He Saw, He Haunted

    John Weatherford’s most recent adventure led him deep into the heart of Ecuador, where he spent five days as Senior Personnel on the $117,797 National Science Foundation (NSF) Human and Geographical Sciences grant: “Investigating Ecological Legacies in Amazonian Forests.” John traveled through the capital city of Quito to the town of Francisco de Orellana (also known as Coca),…

  • The Early Bird Gets the Flight to Wisconsin!

    The Early Bird Gets the Flight to Wisconsin!

    This semester we are elevating our Professional Fridays to new heights. And we love to go big, but in this case, we went REAL big: we went all the way to Wisconsin! We kicked off the semester with our first out-of-state site visit. One day simply couldn’t contain all the opportunities, so a select group of NMI…

  • Traditions Highway

    Traditions Highway

    Travelers come in many different personalities. One could be The Explorer: the person on a road trip who wonders what cool things are nearby, sparking a spontaneous rabbit hole of a Google search, only to be met with a few basic options that appear first on the search results. Another could be The History Buff,…

  • Travlr


    Travlr provides a new and innovative way to travel by combining traditional word-of-mouth recommendations with today’s dominant world of social media sharing. Inspired by a desire to simplify traveling, Travlr combines the best aspects of travel websites (custom recommendations, user feedback, and location images) with social media sharing (image posting and explore features). The result…