Tag: Nature
Bartram Trail
When our group first began to discuss the direction we wanted our project to go in, we wanted to be sure that the project captured just how cool of a guy Bartram was. And indeed, he was a crazy guy. He traveled through wild country from Charleston up into West Virginia, meeting Indians, buffalo, and…
Garden Buzz
Wouldn’t it be cool if next time you visited the Atlanta Botanical Garden, you could learn more about the plants around you, the pollinators that help them to grow and bloom, and the importance of these pollinators in the world around us? What if you could then take this information home with you and plant…
JekyllTour is a new interactive app that provides users with an enhanced vacation experience through guided tours and island information. A few years ago, the Georgia Sea Grant produced an audio walking tour that contained information about the ecological processes, animals, and plants of Jekyll Island in the form of a compact disc. Newer technology,…
Once the NMI students were linked up with the Georgia Aquarium and Vert Mobile, they sought to create something that users would appreciate and that would clearly promote their client in an effective way. The mobile website would offer necessary information about the Aquarium along with entertaining features like fun facts, trivia, quizzes, exclusive content…