Tag: Event
Last Bud Not Least
At TEDxUGA 2024: Snapshot, we explored the gallery of ideas that make up the UGA community. With individual perspectives spanning from AI in space and in the classroom to the power of forgiveness, nine incredible presenters took the stage to share their passions, research, and ideas worth spreading with a global audience of 700+ viewers. Thank you…
TEDxUGA 2024: Snapshot
Presenter Lineup TEDxUGA recently hosted the much-anticipated annual Presenter Mixer, marking the grand reveal of the TEDxUGA 2024 presenter lineup. Past presenters, some with roots tracing back to 2014, gathered to share their words of wisdom with the newcomers. As we embark on our eleventh year of spotlighting extraordinary ideas worth spreading, it’s with great…
Leaves Are Falling, NMIXpo Is Calling!
You know us: we’re always looking to make it work, then make it work better! Last year, we announced the revamped and reimagined SLAM experience – now known as NMIXpo. And this year, we are excited to return to Atlanta once again! We merged all of our events into one action-packed day, and we are…