Studio Not Found

The New Media Certificate Program in Grady College in collaboration with the Entrepreneurship Program in Terry College wanted to create a podcasting studio for the students in their programs. An in-house podcasting studio would be a great teaching tool for the professors in both programs as well as a place that students can gain important experience. Podcasting as an industry is on the rise and both programs want their students to be on the cutting edge of emerging industries and technologies. Thus, Studio Not Found was born.

This Studio functions as a starting point for students interested in learning more about podcasting. Students can learn how to use the industry standard equipment in the studio using training modules and module quizzes. Going through and understanding this information will ensure the success of the students who want to use this studio. Furthermore, the train modules cover podcasting from the very beginning of the process in pre-production all the way to post-production. The Training modules walk students through coming up with interesting ideas for podcasts, how to interview subjects, editing content for flow as well as sound quality, and so much more. Once the student is ready to record, the streamline reservation studio hosted on makes booking a time slot to use the studio quick and easy.

This space is a wonderful resource and tool for students and professors, not only because of the quality of the space and the equipment, but also because everything you need to know about podcasting can be found in one place on the studio’s website. The opportunity to use an in-house podcasting studio is something UGA students should take full advantage of. The experience from using the equipment to creating content can be an important tool for students entering the workforce. As podcasting continues to grow in relevance, knowing how to work within this industry is invaluable. The NMI, Entrepreneurship Certificate Program, and Grady College cannot wait to see all of the amazing podcasts and content that comes out of Studio Not Found. Happy Podcasting!