Nothing But Love

Lilian Fitch

We’re thrilled to introduce our newest addition to the team, Lilian Fitch!

Lilian is a member of the UGA Young Dawgs Program, an internship initiative aimed at preparing high-achieving high school students for future success. Luckily for us, Lilian, with her knack for copywriting and design expertise, found her passion in the New Media Institute. Collaborating closely with Phoebe Finch, Communications Director for the NMI and TEDxUGA, Lilian plays an instrumental role in crafting graphics and social media content for TEDxUGA 2024: Snapshot.

Currently a senior at Oconee County High School, Lilian holds a variety of leadership positions, including Co-President of the National Honors Society and Junior and Senior Year Class Officer. Having secured admission to UGA for Fall 2024, Lilian aspires to pursue a degree in Journalism and Mass Communications and plans to study abroad in Japan to further her knowledge of Japanese language and culture.

Let’s welcome Lilian! We’re so excited to witness the remarkable achievements she’ll undoubtedly accomplish in the days and years ahead!