NMIXpert: Kevin Do

Xpertise: Web Dev

Xpert Hours: M 6:00-8:00P, W 6:30-9:00P

Kevin, ktd49727@uga.edu, has been apart of NMI since Spring 2024 and is pursuing the NMI Certification due to his advisor’s recommendation to this pathway. He is currently a fourth-year Computer Science student with a Cognitive Science Minor. Kevin is in two clubs. UGAHacks, as a tech organizer, and Science Olympiad as a physical exam director along being a tech lead in designing a MERN website for the whole club. Additionally, he is a Peer Learning Assistant and an Undergraduate Teacher Assistant.

Kevin’s expertise include REACT libraries, NEXT.js, Express.js, Node.js, and MySQL, helping those in need of those subjects!

Other than his academic career, he loves to do photography, workout, and play the ukulele!