NMIXpert: Banibe Ebegbodi
Xpertise: Web Dev | UX/UI
Xpert Hours: Su 11:00A-12:00P
Banibe (Ba-knee-bay) is a fourth-year Cognitive Science student specializing in Psychology and Artificial Intelligence. In addition to her major, she is also pursuing a Computer Science and Japanese Minor along with the New Media Certificate.
When she’s not diving into coursework, you can find her getting involved with the UGAHacks Organization, where she leads in hosting major programming events for students to attend tech workshops, fun side events and challenges, as well as meet-and-greets with sponsors from notable companies.
On her off days of school activities, she works at the UGA Makerspace, teaching students how to turn their ideas into reality with laser cutters, 3D printers, and textile machines. In her free time, she enjoys rhythm games, language learning, and picking up new hobbies to indulge herself in.