John Weatherford: Writing Around Campus

Recently, John was selected as a Center for Teaching and Learning Fellow for Innovative Teaching. The program provides support and opportunities for collaboration to create Open Educational Resources (OERs) across campus. During this fellowship, John will create a brand-new OER for NMIX 4110: New Media Production. The resource will cover an array of modern web technologies and will leverage innovative new teaching tools like Free Code Camp and Scrimba. John can’t wait to get to work building this essential resource for the NMI which will make its classroom debut in Fall 2018!

But that’s not all. Recently, John was also invited to serve on a university-wide Writing and Communications Committee. This group was created by the President’s Task Force for Student Learning and Success as one of several recommendations to improve the learning environment at UGA. We’re thrilled that John’s expertise and experience in teaching writing and communication will now be used to improve the writing education for all undergraduate students.