AthensGaWeather- iOS
AthensGAWeather delivers daily weather forecasts to an audience of nearly 17,000 through the group’s Facebook page. In an effort to expand its audience AthensGAWeather partnered with the New Media Institute to create a mobile app offered on IOS. Users of the app will be provided with a 5-day forecast catered towards the Athens area provided by members of the weather team.
The main page of the app displays the current weather temperature, the highs, and the lows for the day and the chance of rain. Scrolling along users will receive a description of the day’s weather followed by the five-day forecast. The icons on the app are simplistic yet visually appealing so there will be no mistaking what the day’s weather is. One of the apps defining features is the transition from day to night mode. Right before the sunset and the sunrise the apps background will switch to a darker color that’s easier on the eyes than a bright blue screen.
The new app does not lose the interactive aspects of AthensGAWeather’s social media feed. The app’s video page contains updated content of each forecast created by the AthensGAWeather team. The app will also contain an updates stream of all the organizations Facebook posts.