This month, a group of NMI students and faculty dove into the world of B2B digital marketing and public relations during a site visit to Arketi Group in Atlanta. Arketi Group has 20+ years of experience working with established and emerging brands that seek to innovate in their sectors and need their marketing to be just as innovative. Arketi has a full in-house team that was able to demonstrate to our students how a holistic and dynamic marketing initiative comes to life.
Hosted by NMI Alumnus and Advisory Council member, Grant Tucker, our group cycled through panels with Arketi Group leadership, copywriters, creatives, and early-career professionals. These sessions allowed our students to learn more about the different roles within the organization, ask questions, network, and receive advice from each corner of the agency.
Our students also got to experience a HATCH brainstorming session where they “hatched” out as many ideas as they could to generate real-world activations for one of Arketi’s tech clients. The NMI left Arketi Group with new connections, a deeper understanding of agency work, and a fresh perspective on creative brainstorming!