Wouldn’t it be cool if you could combat obesity due to a sedentary lifestyle by utilizing TV and commercial time to get actTiVe through the use of a mobile application?
Our app, acTiVe, allows you to do just that.
The facts are clear. 1 out of every 3 Americans is overweight and that number is rising-700 million adults are predicted to be overweight by 2015. It is proven that even if a person is active, if they constantly sit around doing nothing, they are putting themselves at risk for health issues. The three main times in which people are sedentary are while commuting, sitting in front of a computer, and while watching television. Our goal is to target television junkies and encourage them to move during times that would otherwise be spent sedentarily, thus utilizing their time instead of wasting it.
acTiVe provides you with specific yet simple workouts that you can do in your own living room! All you have to do is download the app, create a unique log-in, and select the shows you watch regularly. From there, the app will notify you when your show is about to begin, that way you do not forget to get acTiVe! You will have a wide selection of videos to choose from demonstrating simple yet specific workouts for you to follow along with. The routines will be catered to toning arms, legs, core, and butt. In addition, the app will have social networking capabilities allowing you to encourage your friends to get acTiVe too!