Searching Far and NMIde

We need your techpertise!

#NMIRecommends launched in Fall 2020 to spread the scoop on the best tips, tricks, and tech-related trends from around the web. With a goal of connecting our students to resources beyond the classroom, NMI Recommends has proven itself an instant success amongst students.

And now we need to trade you a bit of NMI fame for your fave! As long as it’s new media-related and tried and true (by you), we’d love to hear about it! Share your own recommendations with We’ll give you a shoutout in the NMI Update and on Twitter as we pass your must-haves and must-dos along to our students. And who knows? Maybe your recommendation will be the next best thing since sliced bread (or in our case, since Slack).

To help you find your lightbulb moment as you ponder your own endorsements, check out a few recent NMI Recommends hot off the press!

High Score: A Netflix documentary recommended by NMI Advisory Council member Ananda Cost

The Power of Meaning: Crafting a Life That Matters: A book recommended by NMI Advisory Council member Kiley Dorton

Pika: A color picker app recommended by faculty member John Weatherford

JavaScript 30: A tutorial series recommended by New Media Certificate Advisor Kyla Sterling