Jukebox Assignment


  1. Have fun!  It’s music ok? You can use any music that you want.
  2. To acquire 30 second samples and thumbnail images, you can search the Itunes library with this link below.
  3. Once you have your music and images, download this swiftui project to use as a starting point. I extended the work of Calvin Fulbright, who figured out how to make SwiftUi actually play sounds a couple of semesters ago, to come up with a not very good looking jukebox, that features old songs and old (or deceased) musicians.  The project contains a function named playsound that you can use to play a new song, as well as pause and play functions that do just what you would imagine they would do. Simply follow my example and tell it want you want to play.
  4. As you can see, currently I have this set up with a struct named SongSetup that has four string variables for entering song information.

  5. Your job now is to produce something original using any and every resource at your disposal. Hacking with Swift, your textbook, Stack Overflow; it’s a big world out there.
  6. Include at least one animation feature. You can do this!
  7. Make it look good, get creative and get geeky. In particular, include extra features that set YOUR jukebox apart from MY JUKEBOX. Examples: a slideshow based player. A player that draws music from an online source.  A music player that draws from a tableview, or a slider, or a picker.It’s up to you but do your best!

EXTRA:  Want bragging rights? Figure out how to tie the length of each song to a progress indicator. This step is NOT mandatory. I just want to see if anyone can pull it off!