External Resources

There are many useful resources that can assist you with your Xcode Swift journey.  The following list points you to a few that I have found to be helpful.

  1. Beginning IOS 10 Programming with Swift. A very approachable introductory book on Swift, with sample lessons, etc. An excellent resource. The same author also offers an intermediate book.
  2. IOS 10 App Developmental Essentials. Another great resource. This $20 ebook is HUGE, clearly written, and also comes with lots of great sample code.
  3. Code with Chris. This link will take you to Chris’s Youtube site. I don’t know his last name but Chris does some really fine tutorials and often provides files that you can download for free. He also maintains a pay to play site @ codewithchris.com, where he sometimes offers valuable lessons for free.
    1. I benefitted a lot from this Code With Chris lesson on connecting IOS apps to mysql databases.
    2.  This Code with Chris lesson on pickerviews is also quite good.
    3. Code with Chris Auto Layout Tutorial
    4. Another Chris tutorial about connecting IOS apps to databases
  4. Ray Wenderlich @ https://www.raywenderlich.com. Another good source of tutorials.
  5. https://grokswift.com.  This one I haven’t used but it was recommended by a student in my Spring 2016 class.
  6. Appcoda. This site has lots of  tutorials from random developers.  Some of the Mapkit, sqlite, and barcode tutorials look interesting. .
  7. App Development with Swift . An Ibook from Apple with a set of lessons that covers a lot of fundamentals. You will get lots of experience with playgrounds with this one.
  8. A you tube constraint lesson by Jason Davidson.  He looks pretty young (12 maybe? 🙂 but Philip Galioto, the student who found this lessons, says he knows what he is talking about.
  9. Swift language guide from Apple. Mas o menos.
  10. How to upload an image
  11. Hamburger Sidebar Menu. Emily Smith, a student from last semester’s 4310 class just put this one to work for her Capstone project. In her project, it sits in the upper left corner and creates a cool sidebar effect when clicked.