Homework Assignment 3

In this exercise we are going to build off of what we learned in the cardview lesson to create a REAL card view with actual cards. Before you get started however, I want to stress that you only will be able to use 10 cards because VStacks and HStacks seem to have a 10 item limit.

  1. To begin, create a new Xcode project and name it as ScrollViewAssignment. Next, click here to download a deck of digital cards.
  2. Unzip cards.zip and drag all of the face cards (the cards whose name begins with letters such as AD instead of numbers) into Assets.xcassets.
  3. Create a new SwiftUI view and name it Cards or something of the sort.
  4. Inside of Cards create a card that looks as much like this one as possible.

  5. As you did in the ScrollView lesson, create variables that you will use instead of literal values for your image and title. Here are the ones that I used, but you can name your variables whatever you want to.
    Take note that, unlike the lesson in our textbook, I set actual values for the variables before I used the variables.  Image(theimage) for example. The reason that I diverged from the textbook was, quite frankly, laziness, because I didn’t want to have to modify the previews struct as they did. Their approach would have been var thetitle: String, but then we would have had to do more work!
  6. The formatting in this exercise should be much simpler than the formatting in the book. Here are a couple of hints to make your life easier.
    1. I added padding with a number included to the image.
    2. I used both plain padding ( .padding() ) with the Vstack that contains the title and image, and simultaneously used bottom padding with a number included. Turns out you can have multiple padding statements with the same view.
  7. Once the card and title look as you want them to, return to ContentView and set up ten cards inside of a ScrollView. BTW, you can go higher than 10 but you will have to use stacks if you do.
  8. Make the thing scroll!!  Here is what mine looks like. BTW, this part is EASY because all you need is an Hstack within a Scrollview that is set to .horizontal. You can do this!  Also, I don’t expect you to create a colored background for the entire view, but if you want to, scroll down to step 9.

  9. Want a colored background? Piece of cake. Visit cards.swift and wrap a Zstack around the Vstack that contains everything else. Here is the code that I added to my Zstack.



    Just be sure to add the closing bracket around the Vstack and, of course, pick any color and opacity that works for you.