The purpose of this assignment is to reinforce some of the major concepts covered in previous exercises. Among other things, this exercise will feature a ContentView with styled links to three additional, unique views. Let’s talk details.
View 1: One of the three views should feature a horizontal ScrollView with at least 4 scrollable cards about YOU. Each card should an image accompanied by a header and a sentence of descriptive text that depicts some aspect of your life. Formatting for each of the four cards and associated images and text should be consistent and, ideally, based on a struct with variables. Here is an example of what one of the scrollable cards may look like.
View 2: Another nav leads to a view with a large multicolor SF Symbol of some sort. It should fill the screen in at least one dimension. Again, here’s an example of what yours may look like, but feel free to have fun with it!
View 3: Let’s have a little fun with this third view. In this view, I want you to create a work of art (or an attempt at least) composed of a combination of basic shapes (ellipses, circles, and rectangles) along with Zstacks, Hstacks, and Vstacks. Leverage modifiers such colors, frames, offsets, and more to masterfully create some type of picture. Your job for this portion of the exercise is to top the example and have some fun in the process. Your image does NOT have to look like the example, so set your inner artist free and create anything that you like, as long as you do it with SwiftUI and not an actual image. Feel free to cheat, as in ask questions of and share code with your classmates! Give it your best shot.
ContentView: Your links to the 3 other views should also be styled with care. They should have rounded corners, all be the same width and height, include symbols and text, and have a background color. Again, here’s an example, but make them your own!