NMIXpert: Timi Meade
Xpertise: Web Design
Xpert Hours: M 12:30-1:30P
Timi is a fourth year EMST student earning a Music Business Certificate. She has
been involved with the NMI for one year, and her favorite class was Web Development with Professor Weatherford.
Outside of the NMI, Timi is President of the Backlight Student Film Festival and the Entertainment Media Industries Club. She is very interested in television production and has volunteered with Grady Newsource as a Senior Production Manager for the past 3 years. This summer, Timi was a Business Development Intern at Gymnasium, television studio in New York City, where she redesigned their website from scratch.
Her expertise lies in HTML, CSS, and Adobe! If you have any questions about Photoshop or Illustrator, she can definitely help you out!